

Even though I probably know better, I can’t help but view the Arctic romantically. So, while some of the hooting, “extreme sport” carrying-on in this clip from The Asgard Project is a bit annoying, the visuals look great:

The film has won several awards, so I really want to see it eventually.

The views of Asgard shown in the clip don’t really do justice to just how dramatic the mountain can appear. It looks like something you imagine could only be located in Mordor.

Mt. Asgard

Mt. Asgard, Baffin Island, 1994

I set up my camp in a snow storm and didn’t have any real idea where Asgard was when I settled in. In the morning the skies had mostly cleared and this is the sight before me when I opened my tent. Awesome.

» Posted: Thursday, November 17, 2011 | Comments (2) | Permanent Link


Not to be a curmudgeon, but you certainly do not have to sky dive in to get to Asgard. Gratuitous risk irks me. But, hey, it’s “hollywood”, and the climb itself certainly seems a worthy goal. Should be fun to watch.

» Posted by David S. on November 18, 2011 08:58 AM

Hi Xefer,
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- Debbie

» Posted by Debbie on January 18, 2012 04:24 PM